How do I answer the Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey question about statewide databases?

I need to know how to answer the "External Contributions from Consortia / Network(s)" question. 


We recommend using a figure based on the total number of full text downloads and total amount spent on the statewide by the MBLC and MLS to calculate the value per full text download.

For FY2024, it's $2,776,150.00 / 9,299,961 full text downloads = $0.298 value per download 

Find your FY2024 full text downloads for the statewide databases here: (navigate to FY2024 section) then multiply your library's total full text views by $0.298 to calculate the value to include in the ACRL survey.  

  • Last Updated Jul 11, 2024
  • Views 124
  • Answered By Tressa Santillo

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